Wednesday, March 30, 2011

In the mist of the water

In the mist of the water
Holding on tight
So much pain and turmoil
She is going to win this fight
Taking time to sooth the fire
Yet never put it out
It is in these soothing moments
She remembers just what she is about
It hard while in the battle to think
It is hard to keep the head clear
Easy to wander and fumble
Tired yet knowing victory is near
In the mist of the water
All pain is being erased
All the voices that say quit trying
All the voices who say don't believe
Those voices are quietly dying
Under the calm the water brings
In the mist of the water
The rage of the fire is cooling
Bringing  nourishing steam
Cleansing and renewing
All toxic moments are released 
In the mist of the water
Everyone thinks she is giving up
They leave her all alone
Thinking she is lost
In the mist of the water
Her heart and determination are growing
If only they knew that by leaving
They are allowing her to gain speed
In the mist of the water she is preparing
Resting for that which she knows lies ahead
For she knows the battle will be there waiting
She knows it will be hard to win
In the mist of the water all doubt is washed away
She will be victorious....there is no other way

In this mist of magic water 
She is becoming
She is being....
She is

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bucket List =)

       I found that of the things in life that I regret the most it is rarely about the things I did …instead it is about the things I didn’t do……..the things left unsaid….nothing is worse than wondering what if…… I wish that I had not left so many things unsaid and undone in my life. I often find my self wondering why I lacked courage to just put it out there. Most of the time it was fear...fear of rejection…fear of being told no…fear of being judged…fear of the unknown
Could my life be better and more rounded if I had just let go and trusted myself and my instincts.. Life is just to short to hold back all the time…..
We are all handed opportunities to try and do things that test and challenge who we are and lead us to our true selves. It is just a matter of stepping up when you get the chance and trusting in yourself and the universe to guide and direct you….following the ebb and  flow of life
So that being said I am starting a list of things the I really want to do and then  I am going to get out there and do it…..Life is to short to not enjoy and really be lived. You are not guaranteed anything ……tomorrow is hope not a promise and there is no reason to let it pass and slip by while living  a mediocre life…. we are all going to have to fears .... up and downs…we will all make mistakes…but I never want to sit and wonder why I didn’t try…why I didn’t take a chance
So I am starting my list…not because I am afraid of dying ….but because I do not want to walk through life and never live………
SO for the short list….because I know it will grow and grow

~Learn to dance several styles
~SCUBA……in a beautiful place
~Spend a weekend*maybe a week* at a wonderful beach and just relax…..
~Visit Ireland and Italy…
~ Skydive….*GULP*
~Finish school
~Make sure that I help my kids achieve at least one dream adventure

~Get my personal trainer certification
~ Get my yoga teaching cert.