She tries to sleep
Sleep off the anxiety.
Sleep off the fears
Sleep off the ever growing dissatisfaction
Sleep off all the disillusionment
Bring herself back to a state of sanity
Yet , when she closes her eyes
Drifting softly off to sleep
Her fears invade her dreams
Wave after wave of fear, wash over her
Crashing all around her
Knocking her to her knees
Over and over again
In unrelenting waves
Her fears keep coming
Drowning her in their presence
Leaving no air
No room to breathe
Sweaty and hot she battles
Battles her way back out
Out of the nightmares
Back to her present
Gasping for air
She throws the blankets off
And just like that.
She is back in reality
Heart racing. ...
Talking to herself
Bringing herself back...
Naming items she can see...
Turning on lights
Letting go of her dreams
Tired and weary
She knows...
There is another day to meet. .
Smiles and love
She will pour freely out
Watching the day go slowly by
Watching the hours
Feeling the anxiety begin to creep..
Minute by minute
Gaining force with every hour
Finding it's way to her heart
Her throat ..her head...her ears
Telling her all the things she can't do
Slowly killing her aspirations, her hopes
Her sanity ever closer to the edge
She finds her way home
Crawls into bed
She just needs to let it all go
She tries to sleep....
Thursday, December 10, 2015
She tries to sleep...
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
I want...
I want to run naked through the forest
Fast, Wild and Free
Feel the wind rush my skin
Feel the earth beneath my feet
I want to play naked in the storms
Dance to the thunder
Revel in the magic of the lighting
Allowing it to reveal in small flashes
All that really is
I want to feel the rain drops glide across my skin
Unencumbered, dripping from my fingers, breast and nose
I want to swim naked in the ocean
Dive deep within it depths
Play with the dolphins
Feel the seaweed tickle my toes
I want to feel the power of the ocean
Jealously pulling me back with the tide
Holding me, begging me not to leave
I want to feel the love
Of being rocked within the oceans embrace
Feeling that moment of hesitation
Before reluctantly pushing me back to shore
With only the promise of my return
I want to lay naked on the beach
Feel my fingers and toes in the sand
Feel the suns love as he warms my skin
I want to laugh and play freely along the shore
Teasing the ocean waves
Watching them build, beckoning for my return
I want to dance naked in the forest
Under the soft light of the moon
Feel the earths beat and rythmn begin to match my own
I want to close my eyes
Hearing the crackling of fire
Hear the sounds of the night time woodland creatures
I want to sing my song to the trees
Hear them echo it in the wind
A song that can only be heard by one
The one whose soul matches mine
I want to stand naked by the fire
My body illuminated by the flames
My hips moving seductively to the fires song
Waiting for the one who hears my song
When my lover comes
I want to stand naked together
No spoken words
Just feeling a force stronger than us both
Pulling us closer and closer together
Eyes locked, we take each others hand
Only the sound of coyotes in the wind
Our hands explore each other
Our hearts connect our spirits as one
For our souls are very old friends
We have been here before
Our lips will find each other
Unlocking all the passion of the fire
All the power of the ocean
In the heat of this moment
Our bodies will match our souls
Intertwining into one
Making love openly and wildly
I want to sleep naked on the soft grass
Under the watch of the stars and moon
Wrapped within the arms of my wild love
Open and vulnerable
Feeling the power of trust
I want to run naked and open in life
With my soul mate by my side
So meet me in the ocean, the sand, the rain
Listen for the trees to sing my song
Bring only your passion and heart
Meet me in the woods love
Find me naked by the fire
Protected by the moon
Find me love
I'm waiting
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
The stars
Night creeping closer to day
The moon speaks her approval
Casting her light around you
Illuminating your body
We both are nearing peak
We both drift off to sleep
Safe in each others arms
A precious moment to keep
We made memories that can not fade way
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
She Deserves ....
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Hold me in the ocean of your love
Let me drown in waves of desire
May our ecstacy build
Peak after peak
Colliding with the sand
In deep rhythmatic roars
Peaking in one large wave
Crashing to shore
And just when we think we are done
May the under current of our longing
Pull us out into the ocean once more
Breathless with passion
Blending, exploring and crashing into each other
Over and over
In lifetime after lifetime
Hang on....
If you find yourself in the mist of a horrific storm
Remember this
The storm may be catastrophic
Hang on
Yes it is dark...
The winds are howling with voracious force
You may feel like you can't hold on another second
You can
You may feel the sharp cuts
From the pounding of debris hitting your body without mercy
Hang on
The waters may rush over you
Leaving you feeling like you can't breathe
You may feel as if letting go
And drowning it
Is your only option
It's not....just hang on...
Ride it out.....
It may beat you down
You may have to hold on for dear life
It may take every bit of strength that you possess to do it
But you have that strength
Just know
The winds will die down
The waters will recede
The sun will return
After the storm
You will have to drag your bruised, muddy body out of the abyss..
You will have to hold your head high
You will have to search for light
Nothing will seem familiar
It will be far from easy...
But you are stronger than you think
Things will get better
Keep moving towards the light..
Even if its just a glimmer
I promise that little by little
Day by day.....
You will get stronger
You will find your smile
You will laugh and dance
You will find your rainbow..
And once you have made it through.
You will no longer fear the storms.
For you will know they are just a wild ride
Leading to great adventures
Monday, May 11, 2015
Tree Magic
You are more
Quit throwing away your power
Quit hiding and lessening yourself
You know the magic you hold
You know you must play your part
Do not lose sight of that
Do not quit believing in your magic
Things are about to get a lot harder
And if you give up now
You will be fighting your fight in darkness
Void of your magic and your light
You know your fire has dulled this week
My dear you know why..
Release all that is not serving you
Release all those not worthy
Move forward....keep moving forward....
Do not give up the fight...
You are more
You are so needed right now
You are love
You are light
You must be
You must be
Moments of lost magic....
I think we all question everything...on a regular what makes us human...keeps us pushing. The universe must think I am: A) stupid as fuck or B) a complete bad ass.....
Because I never feel I have room to breathe...before I am right back in this space..this space of learning.....burning to be reborn....always growing....but breathing is nice to....just sayin
Maybe magic doesn't really exist
Maybe soul mates are just derived from romantic poets
Hopeless whimsies of folly
For all of us seeking something
Something more than ordinary
Helping us all find an escape
Maybe they aren't mythical fields of fairies...
They are just fireflies...beautiful, but nothing more
And those faces in rocks don't mean anything
A rock is just a rock...
And trees don't really talk.....
The moon could just be the moon
Not here to teach and guide
Past life times...if they are real
Mean nothing to the here and now
For if you can't keep a love
That was pure magic from day one
Then what is there left to believe in
The answer is nothing
Fairy Tales are bullshit
And true love does not exist
The longer we keep believing in all this made up shit
The more we keep throwing ourselves over the abyss
Again and again. ..
We do so in a desperate desire to find bliss
Only we find ourselves alone. .
Making up more stories. .
That help us feel strong
Stories to help us make sense of it all
That is reality of what is
And we repeat them to ourselves
Hoping that one day....
We will once again believe
Once again find ourselves surrounded by magic...
Even if it doesn't really exist...
Friday, May 1, 2015
Maybe One Day
I will love myself
Love myself enough
To demand more
Love myself enough
To not settle
On tattered illusions of love
Hold myself to a higher standard
Only give my heart to those
Whom I trust not to break it
Maybe one day...
But until then
I will love you with the shattered pieces
Cut myself on every betrayal
Live with the pain of open wounds
Mark my body with scars
Scars that you will one day
Look at with disdain
Love you more than myself
For the world has taught me to accept
Taught me I have no right
No right to ask for more
Yet here I stand
Wishing for more
Wishing for real
Wishing to be braver
Wishing to be stronger
Wishing I could shut my heart off
Turn it cold at the sound of your voice
Turn it off when you are wrapped
Tightly around my body
Not feel your kisses
Not feel the butterflies when you smile at me
Forget the calm your touch brings
Maybe one day
But tonight
Tonight I surround myself in darkness
You my only source of light
And I will find ecstasy in my suffering
Maybe one day
Just not tonight
We All Crave Love.....
Not just any love
We crave a love that burns
A fire spinning, no holds bar, kind of love
An exciting love that provides trust and stability, within all that excitement
The kind of love that lights up the darkest corners of our soul
A kind of love that allows us
To see ourselves
Through the eyes of someone who adores us
A kind of love that holds on tighter when mediocre love would give up
Fuck Mediocre
Why do we ever settle for half ass when it comes to love
We need someone who sees all of our imperfections
And loves them
Not tolerates them
Not loves us in spite of
Someone who sees bravery in every scar, both physical and emotional
Someone who can see love, and beauty in every stretch mark
Every place that sags more than it should
Every jiggle....
Every little thing that we rip ourselves apart over
Someone who is turned on by our morning face and hair
Someone who can see joy in every wrinkle and laugh line
Again....fuck is to short
Unadulterated, soul burning love does exist
You just have to wait for it
You have to be open to it when it arrives
You can find someone who craves you
All of you
This kind of love will awaken so much passion
You will will burn in desire
For you will be completely naked
Completely bare
No longer trying to hide behind masks
No longer trying to cover up in shadows
No longer dimming your light
Your imperfections, will become perfection
And the God/Goddess will come out in you
You will make love
You will live your fantasies
You will thrive
You will see countless lifetimes unfold in front of both of you
You will be the one
The one who has the type of love everyone wants
The type of love most lack the courage to wait for
The type of love that people will whisper about
The type of love that those, who have settled
May mock
But that is ok
For they will forever live in darkness
Forever afraid of the flames that bring life
Never feeling the fires of desire
Never feeling the bliss of being with someone who loves you...
Just for you
My dear....your soul mate is looking for you
They may not come in the package you expect.....
They may not come in the vision you are holding
So you must open your heart
You must be in tune with yourself
Love yourself....
Love the world....
And when the time is right...
The stars will align...
And you will see why mediocre will never work
You will see ....
Wait for it....
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Fighting inner Zombies
However, when I was in this space...I looked for anything I could see or read that reminded me I wasn't alone in this pain....that others had been in it and survived it. It does get matter the outcome..... This is a colorful way to express how I quit chasing and accepted what was in that moment. It's not an easy thing...but a necessary one....
You drive yourself crazy wondering why your partner can't love you anymore. If this person can't explain, it can create and endless loop of worry, without end or closure. If the person breaking up leaves you with a false sense of hope....that some how you are fixable.....and when you get there.....OMG he/she might love you again (I know bullshit)....but trust me its easy to get there. You can find yourself pouring all of you, and all of your love, into someone who is not going to give anything back. Trying to prove your worth to someone who is far from worthy of this love. In fact, this person just keeps taking.
In those moments, they can take so much that they begin to away your light, leaving you faded and feeling less than. It can feel as if you have had your soul sucked from you, leaving you empty and in a dark space. It turns that grief and loss into something so much worse. Instead of letting that part of your life, and you, just die and become a memory. It leaves you in a state of something you don't even recognize. If you are lucky enough to have a moment that rocks you during all this, and allows you to shift your perspective for a can find clarity. In that clarity you can just stop and see things for what they really are. That reality is not always pretty.
I was "blessed" with this moment.
Yes, the word blessed is in quotations, because while grateful for it........... it was honestly more painful than the breakup itself.
So here we go...
When he left a part of me died .....well that's not super accurate....part me should have died but didn't....but instead turned into a fucking zombie....the undead..a soul less monster trapped in a very dark space. I found myself feeding on any little bit of hope or love he would throw at me. Grasping at any word that could be twisted into a I still love you.
So I had a few options.....cut that bitches head off....and walk away.
Let that part of me die....
Yes, I would grieve for her. Losing a part of you hurts, even the ugly parts.
But she wasn't really alive anyway right??
Plus I could always honor and remember her at next years ancestor ritual. Dance around a fire while the drums beat wildly and thank her for dying and freeing me. Make wild passionate love under the stars....with no fear or expectation....just caught up in a beautiful moment because I am no longer a slave to trying to make some one love me.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
An ice storm unlike any other seen
The turmoil that she had been feeling was only heightened by feeling trapped in the house
As she stepped off the asphalt, and into the grass, she was surprised by the way the ground crunched beneath her feet
She was seeking .....quiet....refuge from her feelings..
However, the forest was very loud that night
Each step she took was loud, every crunch of ice bringing up a new doubt or fear
The woods were a combination of Gothic gloom (a beauty in its own right) and a magical crystalline wonderland.
The stars bounced off the ice
Creating a shiny world...sparkly and seemingly full of life...and she paused for a second
Closed her eyes, and tried to just let go
Hoping to soak up the magic of the moment
However that proved impossible
For not only could she not soak up the magic, she was unable see it at all
In that moment she notice something she had never seen before
Walking deeper and deeper into the forest
She began to see how much damage the ice was doing to the trees
Every small breeze or sway of the wind
Caused the trees to creek eerily
Speaking as if they understood her agony
For they themselves were feeling it too
Her heart was so heavy that night...
And she just wanted the moon to strip it from her...
Take away all the pain.....
The moon was there for comfort and strength that night
But this lesson was not hers to teach
"Sweet Goddess" the moon said..."You are fighting the freeze.... fighting to keep away the bitter cold.... fighting to stay open....and tonight is not about fighting my dear."
The Goddess was tired on every level
And while the words the moon spoke rang true, they offered no comfort
The lack of comfort made her angry..
Looking up at the moon she yelled...."Yes I am fighting....if that's wrong...then please take it...take it all....take these negative feelings...Take the pain....I am tired of all of it...I don't want to feel this much hurt.... of course I am fighting....I can't just drown it all of it.. "
The moon grew quite and slid behind a thin veil of clouds
The Goddess looked up in disbelief
Feeling angrier and abandoned
It was then that the trees groaned... getting her attention
For this was their lesson to teach tonight
Her attention shifted
Seeing her majestic friends bowing beneath the load of ice furthered her anger
She then turned that rage toward the trees....
"It is weighing you down.....all of this ice", she yelled.
"Why don't you fight it, why don't you even try?"
The goddess felt angry tears roll down her face
She ran towards the trees as if to prove a point
Only she slipped, falling to the cold ground
And in a moment of pure fear and anger punched the icy ground below her
As she pulled her hand back, tears fell abundantly, her hand bleeding, she curled up on the crystal forest floor ...sobbing openly
"Goddess"' the trees whispered in heavy moans
"Just as the sun will heal us.....warm us....melt this ice will love open your heart.
You must find this love within yourself
Sit with all of the emotions that you are fighting.....stop fighting and just let them come up
When you carry that much sorrow .....that much have to feel it
Sorrow is heavy on the heart, soul and body, just as ice is to us
Let the burden of them weigh you down for a moment
Own them....let them wash over you.....Feel the ice
If you do will be ready when the heart opens
Don't wallow in it.....or it will topple you
Don't continuously fight it or it will break you
These are emotions to powerful to just ignore or give away
Stay open....let the heart melt it all away in the right time
Just as the seasons do the lessons of the soul and heart
These moments are great teachers..."
She sat for a while to allow this powerful lesson to sink in and resonate
She reached out and placed her hand on the big tree
Allowing love to flow from her to the trees, and thanking them
All the anger left her, and she felt deflated but hopeful
She picked her tired body up and looked up at the moon...
The radiant moon peaked out from behind the clouds ....
A single beam shining only on her
Words didn't need to spoken.....
She felt the love....the comfort ....the concern.
She also felt her power growing ....for she finally realized
That yes, this heart ache hurt....but the fear of walking through it was worse..
She was growing....and moving into her birthright
Each lesson bringing her a little closer
"Sweet Goddess", the moon whispered so softly
"You have no idea how much power you hold....but you will.....very soon you will."
Sunday, March 1, 2015
It took a while
Took a while for her to see she must feel and own it
It took time to see all the ways she sabotaged her own dreams
Took a while to realize she was killing herself. ..
Slowly. ...painfully. ...meticulously. ....
Took a while to see all the grey she was settling for
All the things she was missing
Took a while to breathe again.....
But once she began to make that turn
Once she began to see the patterns
Once they began to make sense. ..
The whole forest began to celebrate
For they knew ......she was healing
They knew there was no going back
The Goddess was regaining her power....
And everything was about to change
Sunday, February 8, 2015
To catastrophic to fix
Sometimes a new trauma can break open older traumas that have not been dealt with
Traumas and wounds that have been tightly sealed by an illusion of trust and control
Once broken, the poison from those festering wounds, unleashes on the body and spirit with the fury of a cork released from a wine bottle
Spilling out in an unforgiving cascade....
Tired and drained. ...but here
If left unchecked. ....
The damage is typically irreversible
We can try...and we do...for warriors never go down without a fight
We hang on to a lifeline from certain death..
We can meditate right....chant ....we can try to heal
But all the while knowing that catastrophic injuries are just what they seem
Catastrophic. ....
And sometimes no matter how hard we try..
We just can't save ourselves
Goddess Moon
Wrapping her jacket a little tighter to block out the cold
She had ignored the pull of the moon over last month and her soul was more weary than she could have imagined.
Finding a place to sit, the trees, her guardians blocked the sting of the cold.
She closed her eyes, opened her heart, and poured all of the fear and hurt out to the moon
All at once she felt her heart fill full with love as the moon poured it's magic into her
The Goddess closed her eyes ready to hear what the moon had to say
Ready for answers to all the questions that burned in her like fire
"My child", replied the moon, "the answers will come. First you must release all of this hurt...All of what you fear. You are holding on to so much that you haven't been able to hear me. Just sit and breathe. Sit and know that you are a Goddess....Sit and know you are never alone."
She took a deep breathe and the tears came, dripping off her face in fat drops....washing it all away
In that sacred moment, she could feel the earth helping to pull the sadness and anger into the ground
She could feel the earth supporting and rooting her....grounding her until she felt safe.
It felt as if the trees bent closer wrapping thier branches around her...protecting and loving her.
The wind slowed and bathed her skin in its cool embrace...cooling the fire that had raged.
You are whole she heard them say..
You are enough...
She knew not how long she sat under the protection of the moon..
But when she rose.....she felt more powerful than she had
Still tender.....but full of hope
She thanked the moon......and stepped inside to lose herself in the deepest sleep...
Before she stepped inside, she looked back up at the moon once more in gratitude.
The wind blew gently, as moon softly whispered,
"Remember sweet Goddess. ...I am always here. always have my magic. You will find that warrior strength again. never left....let go and heal."
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Ramblings for today
It's safe to say that when things are crazy I crave alone time..only to find it scares me.
It's safe to say I have had enough of being treated like shit....and I know it is going to stop
It's safe to say that I am done with feeling like I am second choice.. ....or in case plan A fails..
It's safe to say I am tired of holding back what I need..
It's safe to say....that things are going to change. ....
That this time next life will be radically different
It's safe to can get on board or get out of the way