Sunday, February 8, 2015


Sometimes the damage is to severe
To catastrophic to fix
Sometimes a new trauma can break open older traumas that have not been dealt with
Traumas and wounds that have been tightly sealed by an illusion of trust and control   
Once broken, the poison from those festering wounds, unleashes on the body and spirit with the fury of a cork released from a wine bottle
Spilling out in an unforgiving cascade....
Spiritually ...
You die...but you come back....
Once the initial shock subsides look and seem ok...        
Tired and drained. ...but here
However, the toxin is still left to reek havoc on the body..
Without help or intervention
It spreads....infecting every fiber and cell in the spirit, mind and body 
If left unchecked. ....  
The damage is typically irreversible
We can try...and we do...for warriors never go down without a fight
We hang on to a lifeline from certain death..
We can meditate right....chant ....we can try to heal
But all the while knowing that catastrophic injuries are just what they seem  
Catastrophic. ....
And sometimes no matter how hard we try..
We just can't save ourselves

Goddess Moon

She felt small, insignificant and insecure as she stepped out under the bright moon
Wrapping her jacket a little tighter to block out the cold
She had ignored the pull of the moon over last month and her soul was more weary than she could have imagined.
Finding a place to sit, the trees, her guardians blocked the sting of the cold. 
She closed her eyes, opened her heart, and poured all of the fear and hurt out to the moon
All at once she felt her heart fill full with love as the moon poured it's magic into her
The Goddess closed her eyes ready to hear what the moon had to say
Ready for answers to all the questions that burned in her like fire
"My child", replied the moon, "the answers will come. First you must release all of this hurt...All of what you fear. You are holding on to so much that you haven't been able to hear me. Just sit and breathe. Sit and know that you are a Goddess....Sit and know you are never alone."
She took a deep breathe and the tears came, dripping off her face in fat drops....washing it all away
In that sacred moment, she could feel the earth helping to pull the sadness and anger into the ground
She could feel the earth supporting and rooting her....grounding her until she felt safe.
It felt as if the trees bent closer wrapping thier branches around her...protecting and loving her.
The wind slowed and bathed her skin in its cool embrace...cooling the fire that had raged.
You are whole she heard them say..
You are enough...
She knew not how long she sat under the protection of the moon..
But when she rose.....she felt more powerful than she had
Still tender.....but full of hope
She thanked the moon......and stepped inside to lose herself in the deepest sleep...
Before she stepped inside, she looked back up at the moon once more in gratitude.
The wind blew gently, as moon softly whispered,
"Remember sweet Goddess. ...I am always here. always have my magic. You will find that warrior strength again. never left....let go and heal."