Saturday, May 30, 2015


Hold me in the ocean of your love
Let me drown in waves of desire
May our ecstacy build
Peak after peak
Colliding with the sand
In deep rhythmatic roars
Peaking in one large wave
Crashing to shore
And just when we think we are done
May the under current of our longing
Pull us out into the ocean once more
Breathless with passion
Blending, exploring and crashing into each other
Over and over
In lifetime after lifetime

Hang on....

If you find yourself in the mist of a horrific storm
Remember this
The storm may be catastrophic
Hang on                    
Yes it is dark...
The winds are howling with voracious force          
You may feel like you can't hold on another second
You can
You may feel the sharp cuts
From the pounding of debris hitting your body without mercy      
Hang on  
The waters may rush over you
Leaving you feeling like you can't breathe
You may feel as if letting go
And drowning it
Is your only option
It's not....just hang on...
Ride it out.....
It may beat you down
You may have to hold on for dear life
It may take every bit of strength that you possess to do it
But you have that strength
Just know
The winds will die down
The waters will recede        
The sun will return
After the storm
You will have to drag your bruised, muddy body out of the abyss..
You will have to hold your head high
You will have to search for light
Nothing will seem familiar
It will be far from easy...
But you are stronger than you think
Things will get better
Keep moving towards the light..
Even if its just a glimmer
I promise that little by little
Day by day.....
You will get stronger
You will find your smile
You will laugh and dance
You will find your rainbow..
And once you have made it through.
You will no longer fear the storms.
For you will know they are just a wild ride
Leading to great adventures

Monday, May 11, 2015

Tree Magic

~The trees talk louder than all my doubt....maybe that is magic or maybe I am bat crap crazy lol....but no matter....the message is powerful....and one I can share....

You are more
Quit throwing away your power
Quit hiding and lessening yourself
You know the magic you hold
You know you must play your part
Do not lose sight of that
Do not quit believing in your magic
Things are about to get a lot harder
And if you give up now
You will be fighting your fight in darkness
Void of your magic and your light
You know your fire has dulled this week
My dear you know why..
Release all that is not serving you
Release all those not worthy
Move forward....keep moving forward....
Do not give up the fight...
You are more
You are so needed right now
You are love
You are light
You must be
You must be

Moments of lost magic....

~Ever have a day like this?....I know I will in a better place again....but right now....not so much
I think we all question everything...on a regular what makes us human...keeps us pushing. The universe must think I am: A) stupid as fuck or B) a complete bad ass.....
Because I never feel I have room to breathe...before I am right back in this space..this space of learning.....burning to be reborn....always growing....but breathing is nice to....just sayin

Maybe magic doesn't really exist
Maybe soul mates are just derived from romantic poets    
Hopeless whimsies of folly
For all of us seeking something
Something more than  ordinary
Helping us all find  an escape    
Maybe they aren't  mythical fields of fairies...
They are just fireflies...beautiful, but nothing more
And those faces in rocks don't mean anything
A rock is just a rock...
And trees don't really talk.....  
The moon could just be the moon
Not here to teach and guide
Past life times...if they are real
Mean nothing to the here and now
For if you can't keep a love
That was pure magic from day one
Then what is there left to believe in
The answer is nothing
Fairy Tales are bullshit  
And true love does not exist  
The longer we  keep believing in all this made up shit
The more we keep throwing ourselves over the abyss
Again and again. ..
We do so in a desperate desire to find  bliss  
Only we find ourselves alone. .  
Making up more stories.  .
That help us feel strong
Stories to help us make sense of it all
That is reality of what is
And we repeat them to ourselves
Hoping that one day....
We will once again  believe
Once again find ourselves surrounded by magic...
Even if it doesn't really exist...

Friday, May 1, 2015

Maybe One Day

Maybe one day
I will love myself
Love myself enough
To demand more
Love myself enough
To not settle
On tattered illusions of love
Hold myself to a higher standard
Only give my heart to those
Whom I trust not to break it
Maybe one day...
But until then
I will love you with the shattered pieces
Cut myself on every betrayal
Live with the pain of open wounds
Suffer from the infections
Caused by the wounds
Mark my body with scars
Scars that you will one day
Look at with disdain
Love you more than myself
For the world has taught me to accept
Taught me I have no right
No right to ask for more
Yet here I stand
Wishing for more
Wishing for real
Wishing to be braver
Wishing to be stronger
Wishing I could shut my heart off
Turn it cold at the sound of your voice
Turn it off when you are wrapped
Tightly around my body
Not feel your kisses
Not feel the butterflies when you smile at me
Forget the calm your touch brings
Maybe one day
But tonight
Tonight I surround myself in darkness
You my only source of light
And I will find ecstasy in my suffering
Maybe one day
Just not tonight

We All Crave Love.....

We all crave love
Not just any love
We crave a love that burns
A fire spinning, no holds bar, kind of love
An exciting love that provides trust and stability, within all that excitement
The kind of love that lights up the darkest corners of our soul
A kind of love that allows us
To see ourselves
Through the eyes of someone who adores us
A kind of love that holds on tighter when mediocre love would give up
Fuck Mediocre
Why do we ever settle for half ass when it comes to love
We need someone who sees all of our imperfections
And loves them
Not tolerates them
Not loves us in spite of
Someone who sees bravery in every scar, both physical and emotional
Someone who can see love, and beauty in every stretch mark
Every place that sags more than it should
Every jiggle....
Every little thing that we rip ourselves apart over
Someone who is turned on by our morning face and hair
Someone who can see  joy in every wrinkle and laugh line
Again....fuck is to short
Unadulterated, soul burning love does exist
You just have to wait for it
You have to be open to it when it arrives
You can find someone who craves you
All of you
This kind of love will awaken so much passion
You will will burn in desire
For you will be completely naked
Completely bare
No longer trying to hide behind masks
No longer trying to cover up in shadows
No longer dimming your light
Your imperfections, will become perfection
And the God/Goddess will come out in you
You will make love
You will live your fantasies
You will thrive
You will see countless lifetimes unfold in front of both of you
You will be the one
The one who has the type of love everyone wants
The type of love most lack the courage to wait for
The type of love that people will whisper about
The type of love that those, who have settled
May mock
But that is ok
For they will forever live in darkness
Forever afraid of the flames that bring life
Never feeling the fires of desire
Never feeling the bliss of being with someone who loves you...
Just for you
My dear....your soul mate is looking for you
They may not come in the package you expect.....
They may not come in the vision you are holding
So you must open your heart
You must be in tune with yourself
Love yourself....
Love the world....
And when the time is right...
The stars will align...
And you will see why mediocre will never work
You will see ....
Wait for it....