Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Learning to forgive ...learning to fly

There are moments in time that are so traumatic that they strip you bare
Moments that seem rob the light and essence of your spirit and soul
Moments that haunt you in the dead of night..and leave you wishing for reprieve
It’s in these moments …these awful times that we seem to really define who we are
We are not the event... nor are we defined by it
However,our true character comes through by how we handle them
It not the immediate reaction for those are so heart rending that there is no room for anything but grief and anger
It's what we do with the time after…how we heal…
How we forgive…how we let go…how we reach out to others
There is no set time on how long we stay in that anger and set time on how long it takes to heal…for these moments also offer up lessons that must be learned
These lessons can often seem harder than the event itself…because you are already so vulnerable and raw
It requires a great deal of faith to believe that some how...some will find a new sense of normal
It’s hard sometimes to walk so blindly on faith in the dark…
The one thing we must remember is that no matter how dark things seem the light never leaves us…
The light is something that we must keep seeking out despite the hurt….
We must learn to walk our path to find our truth and light... even when all we want to do is stop and hide…
We must learn the lesson of forgiveness 
It seems to be such a simple concept...and very necessary for growth  
However,  it always seems to be the hardest part….
We must of course find a way of letting go and find a place of  forgiveness for the event or people who have hurt us.....but that is not the hardest part..
The hardest part always seems to be forgiveness for yourself…
But it is the first and biggest step to reaching the light
It allows us to begin to understand that we are never alone 
That sometimes the things that we don’t understand are just moments of growth
Closing doors on our old perceptions...our old beliefs....and throwing us out of our comfort zone is the only way most us will reach for a new door...or even look out the window
Our  greatest opportunities...and greatest moments of growth always seem to stem from our greatest sorrows and loses... ~Anita Delashmit ** a "pep talk" to myself....I almost always have to write it out to get*

  ~I have a very blessed life....I am surrounded by wonderful family and friends who love and support me even when I don't deserve it. In spite of all the pixie life has had many moments that I was not sure I could get through. Each and every one of those moments changed me.....and helped me become a better person. They helped me reach beyond my self made limits and grow. Those moments made me appreciate the things that I had taken for grated. They taught me to sit and learn to breathe...they helped me develop  a deep love of being out in nature. ~* Maybe that is why I have always loved the stars, and why they bring me so much peace. It is when I am outside sitting under the stars and moon that I am reminded that I am always surrounded by light...even when it is dark and even if the stars seem small or far away.*~ There was one moment in my life that was changed was by far one of the hardest moments to pull myself out of the dark from....but I have been doing it. Little by little...bit by bit..year by year....  I am finally learning that the light has always been within. That all I ever needed to do was let go of the fear and pain. I am understanding and accepting that yes this is a hard time of the year for me.....and yes...its worse this year because I am still learning to live without my dad in physical form. However, I would not be who I am today without it. I learned to forgive the person and event a long time ago, and for years I thought that was enough. Now I am forgiving me....letting go of the trauma of the moment and learning to fly in a new way. I am even finding ways to live in gratitude for it.... it was one of my greatest lessons. Something that even years later I am learning was a single moment that put me on a path that has lead me to so much joy and happiness.....I am blessed...I am ready to fly in light and joy.

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