Sunday, November 20, 2016


I stood before you and exposed the storms and hurricanes of my heart
I showed you the winds that were designed to keep you at a distance
Yet, you didn't back away
You spoke with words and music that calmed the winds
And in a moment of complete vulnerability and trust
I let you in
I let you in believing that within the eye of both our storms
We could both finally find love and peace
Your fire would evaporate my drenching rains
My rain would sooth the intensity of your fires
We had moments of pure bliss
We fueled each other
Our storms growing bigger and more intense each day
Growing and dancing within one another
A force so powerful that no outside force could stop it.
Only we could
And we did...
We weren't ready for the raw power and passion our union brought
So in a moment of anger
Our storms collided headed on
And we bounced away from each other
Left alone
Weakened temporarily 
Yet, still very powerful
In spite of our anger and egos
In spite of all we know 
We keep circling back to each other
Dancing around the outer rims of each others storms
Loving the way we both soothe and ignite one another
Drifting away to learn what makes us grow
A delicate dance of fire and water
Waiting for that moment when we are ready
Waiting for that moment that our storms once again combine 
Taking on the world together with more
Passion, Energy and Magick 
Than anyone can imagine...

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