Monday, November 21, 2011

Death is Upon Us

Death is upon us
Icy fingers sliding down
Pulling away all of the what if and if only
Now....there is only now
Death is upon us
Nothing left to do
All of the attachments are leaving
All the big stresses now seem small
All of the ..someday I will
Those chances are now gone
Death is upon us
Moving in its sleek seductive way
Bringing light to all that was dark
Bringing peace where there was once pain
Death is upon us
It looks us in the eyes
Bringing forward all the memories of our life
All that we did and all the we neglected and failed
Becomes transparent while rocked in deaths embrace
Death moves upon us 
Sucking away the very essence of life
In this moment we see
All of the moments we sacrificed for this or for that
All of those moments that we can't have back
Death holds its icy grip 
The last moments of life begin to fade
The last moments of wishing we had just known
The moments of wishing we had just a little more time
Death hears us and nods while dropping us from his hold
Bringing back life in one sharp breath
Death came upon us to offer a gift
A chance to see all the ways we sabotage our light and our life
Death came upon us so that we would learn that we are here for just a short time
Reminding us to live our lives with love and light
To let go of regrets and be in the now
For when Death comes for us that is all that we have
Death is upon us
Lurking in the shadows 
We know not when or where 
 We will have to face deaths eyes again
So we live the lesson we were taught 
Now is all that we have