Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Rejection never looked good on her
Although, she wore it well
Rejected all her life
A thousand tales to tell
A thousand ways to fix herself
She works hard to be
All of the things she thinks
Will make her accepted and free
She works to be smarter, funnier, more together
She works her body to its breaking point
She works to be loved
She works to feel beautiful
She works to find her place
She strives to find perfection
For just one slip
Everything will change
She can not stop or rest
She can't risk everything falling apart
Friends and lovers leave
She isn't quiet good enough yet
She picks herself up
After each lonely night
Feverishly stitching together
Each tattered piece of her life
She works without rest
Hoping that someday
She will finally get it right
Rejection never looked good on her
But she wears it well
Scars that she hides
Bandaged and taped together
Hidden with a smile
And woven in tales
That she will never tell