Saturday, November 26, 2016


She loved the way the moon caressed and bathed  her bare skin. 
Leaving her whole body seductively illuminated and glowing.  
She felt her power growing as she moved through the moon beams that night, allowing the moon to pour itself into her soul. 
Her bare feet were in contact with the earth. 
She could feel the nourishment and love.
 She could feel it's music that night.  
Even alone she could hear the drums....
Hear the music that came from long ago.....and her hips moved and swayed to their rhythm. 
She had more power than she had ever believed. 
The moon was opening her to her path....
She understood the secrets and magic this night. 
She knew she could never go back to ordinary ways of thinking...
She was goddess, .and with that, she could not stay stuck in the mundane. 
Her purpose had been decreed long ago. 
It had been written in the stars. 
She had a divine path and she had move towards her birthright.
The wind picked up slightly as the trees breathed a sigh of relief. 
How they had longed to talk with her again. 
Now she could hear them and she knew she was home. 
She could feel the energy around her in all living things. 
Giving great thanks to the moon and earth she stretched out on the grass, and closed her eyes. Sleep would soon be hers. 
She could finally relax under the soft rays and fierce protection of the moon. 
The moon continued to immerse her in love and strength all night.
 The winds glided over her skin, and the trees and birds sang soft songs. 
Sleep, sweet goddess sleep
 For when you wake there is work to do :)

Friday, November 25, 2016


She found herself alone sitting among the decay
In an old cemetery that had become her favorite place
She allowed herself to melt into the soft cool grass
Looking longingly above her at the stars
Glistening against the blackest sky
Here she would lay down her sword
Here she would rest if only for a night
She was losing hope
She was losing power
Her light was draining hour by hour
This is why she felt so at home among the dead
It is why she found hope in the souls whom had lost their bodies long ago
It won't be long she said with a sigh
Until I dance in the other world
Not long before my spirit flies high
She was so tired of fighting
So she slept and she dreamed
Dreamed of swimming in the stars
So high, at peace and free
For in that moment lost in her dreams
This warrior could finally breathe
It won't be long she said with a sigh
The light of new day filling her eyes
She squared her shoulders and picked up her sword
Thanking the ghosts whose earthly bodies
Rotted beneath the ground
They had protected her
Allowed her to sleep
With a final sigh she set out
On yet another quest
For mortal life is not easy
It was not meant for the weak
There are many battles to fight
For there are to many demons to beat.

Sunday, November 20, 2016


I stood before you and exposed the storms and hurricanes of my heart
I showed you the winds that were designed to keep you at a distance
Yet, you didn't back away
You spoke with words and music that calmed the winds
And in a moment of complete vulnerability and trust
I let you in
I let you in believing that within the eye of both our storms
We could both finally find love and peace
Your fire would evaporate my drenching rains
My rain would sooth the intensity of your fires
We had moments of pure bliss
We fueled each other
Our storms growing bigger and more intense each day
Growing and dancing within one another
A force so powerful that no outside force could stop it.
Only we could
And we did...
We weren't ready for the raw power and passion our union brought
So in a moment of anger
Our storms collided headed on
And we bounced away from each other
Left alone
Weakened temporarily 
Yet, still very powerful
In spite of our anger and egos
In spite of all we know 
We keep circling back to each other
Dancing around the outer rims of each others storms
Loving the way we both soothe and ignite one another
Drifting away to learn what makes us grow
A delicate dance of fire and water
Waiting for that moment when we are ready
Waiting for that moment that our storms once again combine 
Taking on the world together with more
Passion, Energy and Magick 
Than anyone can imagine...