Sunday, July 27, 2014


     She fought the darkness only seeking light. For she feared the shadows and things she could not see. However, it was in the darkness that she found herself, and in the darkness where she finally began to understood not only day but night. 
It was in the darkness that her heart broke open and grew wings. It was where she allowed herself to be vulnerable and no longer feared being hurt. She learned to blossom even when she thought she would never see light again. She found a way to find joy, even when all seemed lost. She found faith when the shadows seemingly swallowed her up. When she allowed the darkness in and quit fighting and fearing it she found balance in her soul. She found strength and courage she didn't know she had. She found she needed equally both the day and the night. She craved the dark sky, the stars and the moon. She craved the clouds and sun. She craved the wind and the rain. She didn't want perfect anymore. Instead, she craved the messy, crazy adventure that is life. She learned to quit existing and to live. But only when she realized that sometimes you can't see the next step. Sometimes when moving forward you can't see or plan for what happens next. Most of the time part of the joy in life is not knowing and bravely stepping into the shadows. 

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