Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Path

Silently gliding down a path
Yet I know not why
Love in all it forms
Passing me
Slow down I can not
Staying only for the time to grow
Knowing that those who have been in my heart
Are there forever more
I hear so many times
It haunts my peaceful sleep
For I have not any answers
I have no words to speak
I only know to the depth of soul
That on this path I must go
Where it leads I am told
Will be one of the greatest stories ever told
Therefore I must do my part 
To help the story unfold
Guided by the hands of fate
Trusted …Feared…
Born of the fire of complete rebirth
Ashes to beauty….fear to trust
Alone becomes together
Yet for the time being
I must walk….must learn…must grow
Look darkness in the eyes…
Look fear in the face
And move
That in the end all will be as promised
My path will not lead to more turmoil
Just blissful happiness
Tears will not be in vain
Heartache will be a distant memory
Those moments that hurt will fade
Those feelings of fear will dissipate
Life will be as it was meant
Full of love 
I will be free
Connected to all that is
Connected to all that will be

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