Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Letter to my child, embarking on their first warrior quest ;)

My Dearest Child,

It has come to my attention that you no longer see yourself as a child. That I have overlooked the fact that you are growing up and becoming a young adult. I do apologize for the over site. I would love to keep you as my little baby forever. However, as you so lovingly pointed out.....that is no longer my reality.
I am proud that you are ready to take on adulthood and all the it requires.
Now here is where I am going to let you in on a little secret. You are not just a mortal child growing into adulthood; you are a great and mighty upcoming warrior. I am starting your training with the very basic household warrior training. You are right, I should have started this years ago. You should move through the quests I am giving with great ease so that you are ready for your outdoor warrior training within a few months.

Your journey and very first quest begins here. I am so proud of wishes.

Your first quest......You will enter the bathroom and wield the mighty sword of truth. (you will know what it is when you finish reading ;) ) You will walk towards the Sacred Basin of Porcelain and look within its magic waters. You must then find the magic blue potion, that allows one to remove all that holds them back from seeing their truth.
You will pour some of this potion into the water and raise your sword of truth up high, and to the Gods of  Porcelain you will say:
"As above, so below
With this sword and potion
Let my truth be known."

You will then plunge the mighty sword of truth into Basin of Porcelain and begin to scrub. When you feel as though you have washed away all that will keep you from seeing your truth, your will flush all the toxic energy away. (You may have to repeat this step as you are learning)
When you are done you will look deep into the waters and know a few things.
# 1 That it is clean enough to see yourself....and maybe with time see your truth (whatever that may be)
#2 That you cleaned the great Basin of Porcelain
# 3 You have competed your quest

You will return the mighty sword of truth to its resting place (make sure to thank it for all its work)
You will repeat this quest at least every other day until you move out.

I know you well enough to know that you just rolled your eyes and are super unimpressed. Maybe you don't yet believe in the everyday magic. However, you must believe in it before you can embark on the more powerful magic that fills your books and video games.
You may also be saying that I just told you how to clean a toilet.  I have to say I super disappointed that you have such a muggle attitude. That will change with each quest ( I promise) I also promise to never give up on you if this proves to be a challenge.

Here is what you need to know about the Gods of Porcelain. One day many years from now, at the age of 21. You will be invited into a magic world full of magic elixirs, drinks and potions. You may choose to drink these and party and dance with your friends. They will cause much merriment and laughter, so much so, that you will at some point forget your limits and over do it.
It is this moment that you will be praying to the Porcelain Gods. As you are praying to them with all passion of a Wookie, you will know that your prayers are being heard. Why? Because you my child have honored them on a regular basis. You have sought their wisdom and truth. In that moment of complete vulnerability while you are holding on to that basin and looking into the sacred water, you will know they have your back.

This quest must be done on a regular basis for one month before curfew can be extended. Safe journey into the realm of truth. More quests will follow soon.
All my love,